The Janice Anderson Fellowship Café

The Janice Anderson Fellowship Café at St Thomas Episcopal Church Farmingdale

The Fellowship Café is in its 13th year. We serve a hot meal the last Saturday of every month, which is open to anyone who needs a meal or is looking for companionship for a few hours.

The Café was started by Janice Anderson and Kelly Meyer. We have very dedicated volunteers, parishioners and the Handicapped Encounter Christ group. We strive to offer a friendly ad safe environment for our guests. We do this by having meetings with our guests about rules that they decide on. It has been an amazing journey, helping people from all walks of life, meeting new people and doing God’s work.

A special thanks go out to our local restaurants for their generous donations. Vespa Italian Kitchen sends us several trays of Italian food. McDonalds sends us gift cards which we raffle off to our guests. We also want to thank the HEC group who we could not do this without all their help.

Please consider joining us on the last Saturday of the month at 12PM to 2PM to help, eat and chat with our guests. It’s lots of fun!

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